Hair with Flair by Audrey Hinds

Samantha’s big day had finally arrived. It was time to wow her audience with the best art they had ever seen. It was an exciting time for her to show all the people she loved how hard she had been working to impress them with the gift of her art. She had thought of everything right down to her nail polish, but in all the chaos leading up to her big show she forgot one very important detail – her hair.
As her art show begins, Samantha realizes her hair is completely untamable, but the show must go on, right? Well in her case, she tried combing, brushing and even hiding her long, tangled tresses. Unfortunately, for the young artist nothing worked and she had to face the reality that her hair was simply unique. As the story goes on, Samantha finally embraces what the rest of the world had already seen, her most magnificent artwork of all – her hair with flair!

